Monday, February 1, 2010

What is the Best TV to Buy?

It sits in the corner of your living room, it talks to you, it comforts you, and sometimes it curses at you. We're talking of course, about your television. It is the centre of most homes, whereas in previous years that role was taken by the radio. The television was first introduced in the 1950's, and since then it has evolved from the standard black and white television, to the color picture tube. Nowadays there are three basic types of television that you will need to consider when you are looking for a new television. Let's go over them one by one.

Plasma: When someone talked about getting a 'flat screen' television in the old days, chances are they were talking about a plasma screen. These are great televisions for viewing shows, but they do have a few drawbacks. They have a glass screen, meaning they tend to reflect too much ambient light. They also have a problem with burn-in when you are playing a video game. That being the case, these televisions might be best for people who only use it to watch television. On that note, they do display a resolution of 1024x1024.

LCD: LCD Panels are almost the universally preferred choice when it comes to televisions. One thing that people really tend to like is the fact that the material the screen is made from does not reflect a glare. On some of the lower end televisions you might get somewhat of a glare, but it will be nowhere near the effect you get from a plasma television or a standard cathode ray tube.

LED: Right here we have the major competitor for the TV market. These are still very expensive but so far they do produce the greatest results. One of the most definitive factors when it comes to the LED television is the fact that it is very thin. The TV is actually quite flexible and can be put literally anywhere. This one also produces the best picture, eliminating the infamous black issue that LCD televisions seem to have.

These are the major players in the television arena. The question however, is which TV is the best one for you and your purposes? It's difficult to give definitive advice here, but if you are a gamer, then the plasma television would not be the best choice. For that, the LCD TV would be the best. Naturally the LED TV is the best of all of them, but it is still incredibly expensive. If you cannot afford to pay the high price, then you should definitely think about going for the LCD TV.

The television is taking some amazing twists. After years of the Cathode Ray Tube setup, we now have at least three different television variants on the market. Where it will settle is anyone's guess, but right now the important thing is buying the one that fits your needs. So try out each one, see what you can afford, and see what you like. Eventually you will find a TV that fits your tastes perfectly.

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