Friday, January 15, 2010

A Pen that Makes its own paper

Have you even been in a situation where you needed to write something important and wanted the content stored safe? Sure your palms are safe place to write stuff, but what if you manage to wipe it off or have really sweaty palms? That is exactly what designers He Siqian, Zhang YaKun, Mu Zhiwei, Zhu Ningning, Hui Zhou & Te-Ning Hang, thought about and have come up with; A pen that makes its own paper.

It is a simple device which has a Pen+Sprayer integrated. One end of it has a sprayer and the other has the pen itself. The chemicals in the spray is a secret this once sprayed on the palm of your hand becomes the writing base. The message will stay on the base chemical paper till you pull it off.

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